Ma + D receives the Manuel Laborde Award

Ma + D receives the Manuel Laborde Award

Ma + D receives the Manuel Laborde Award The award is endowed with 7,000 euros and support and advice to develop the business project The initiative Ma+D de Iván Rivilla, Jalel Labidi, Rodrigo Llano-Ponte y Luis Serrano has received this Wednesday in San Sebastián...

Agreement with Ekonek

Agreement with Ekonek

Agreement with Ekonek EKONEK, Innovación In Valorization of Subproductos SL, is a company dedicated to the design, construction and turnkey delivery of drying facilities for the agri-food sector. With a team with extensive experience in the development of processes...



Ma+D Represented at the prestigious fair EXPOQUIMIA 2014 Ma+D, Thanks to its agreement with GARABI, was present at the prestigious fair of the International Chemistry Exhibition, EXPOQUIMIA in its 17th edition, held from September 30 to October 3 in Barcelona...

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